Sunday, September 12, 2010

White House just says no to solar power while pushing Americans to adopt it - National Climate Change |
Bill McKibben, an environmental activist and founder of, brought the panels to DC and met with White House staffers to discuss the issue.

McKibben was soundly rebuffed while being told the White House was evaluating how to proceed.
Ecosocialism’s global challenge | Green Left Weekly
...the urgent need for a mass movement for climate justice on an anti-capitalist axis has been given life by Copenhagen and Cochabamba. A real anti-capitalist green movement is being built outside the traditional socialist movement and outside the established environmental groups.

The climate justice activists, whatever their weaknesses and inadequacies, have begun the hard work of building a global mass movement against capitalist ecocide.
Climate camp 2010: Time for action | Green Left Weekly
This year’s camp is planned to coincide with the United Nations global climate change talks in Cancun, Mexico. By drawing attention to coal-fired power, the camp aims to send a message that people will not tolerate further inaction from governments. The camp will demand a “just transition” to renewable energy, a transition away from dirty power that doesn’t adversely affect workers in that industry.
Stand by for the greenest leader ever – whichever Miliband wins – Telegraph Blogs
The elder Miliband became environment secretary shortly afterwards and vigorously took up climate change as an issue, doing much to bring it into the heart of his government’s policy making. He proposed strong measures to bring down carbon dioxide emissions at home, even suggesting that everyone should have their own quota which could be traded so that those who used less (often the poor) could make money by selling part to those who wished to emit more than their allowance.

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