Saturday, October 02, 2010

Another laughable mainstream media claim: New York Times says 12% of Americans are dismissive of global warming

How Republicans Managed to Rebrand 'Cap and Trade' -
A sliver of Americans worry that climate change is the invention of plotting communists, international liberals or U.S. officials engineering deceitful reasons for more taxes. Supposedly, it's a hoax. That's a thin stripe of thought held by roughly six people in a crowd of 100, according to Yale polling.

They are the strident disbelievers, accounting for about half of the nation's 12 percent who are dismissive of global warming.
"Most people on the street, if you say 'global warming,' they roll their eyes," Halberstadt added.
"In every state, there are large or huge majorities who endorse the green side of this issue and who will vote accordingly," [Jon Krosnick, a Stanford University professor and climate hoax promoter] said, "and tiny numbers of people who are skeptical of the issue, who will vote accordingly."

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