Thursday, October 28, 2010

Climate Common Sense: Power blame game heats up!
The Australian reports that even the dingbats in the NSW Labor Government have finally done some sums and are now closing down the ridiculous 60 cent feed-in tariff which is costing the average consumer billions while benefiting the few who have installed solar panels.
Wind Power Becalmed | The Resilient Earth
While governments invest heavily in wind power something has been happening to the surface winds of the Northern Hemisphere—the winds have been slowing down. While the cause of this “stilling” remain uncertain, surface winds have declined in China, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, the United States and Australia over the past few decades. A new study, published online at Nature Geoscience, analyzes the extent and potential cause of changes in northern surface wind speeds over the past 30 years. In it, researchers have found that surface wind speeds have declined by 5–15% over almost all continental areas in the northern mid-latitudes, and that strong winds have slowed faster than weak winds. They also note that the observed decline of surface wind in many regions of the world is a potential concern for wind power electricity production.
"Terminator" Star and Director Reunite for TV Spot - ABC News
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and filmmaker James Cameron, who directed the former Hollywood star in two "Terminator" movies, have reunited in a political TV spot supporting the state's global warming [hoax] law.
Disagreement | Climate Etc.
Climate scientists have no particular expertise on politics, economics or social ethics. A scientist’s personal sense of values and morality has no more legitimacy in this debate than any other individual’s personal sense. There’s an additional reason for climate scientists to stay out of the public debate on this topic: they are biased because of their personal research interests and results, with professional egos and other factors likely weighing into their policy preferences.

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