Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Nothing We Can Do About Climate Change | Real Science
People who imagine they can stop climate change by making snuff flicks about children are certifiable.
NSF grant supports Maryland-Delaware climate change education partnership : University of Delaware
2:09 p.m., Oct. 5, 2010----The National Science Foundation has announced it will award $999,949 to the University of Delaware and its partners the University System of Maryland, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES), and the University of Maryland to establish a climate change education partnership.
The American Spectator : AmSpecBlog : Six Americas, None Which Care for Exploding Schoolchildren
Poor Chris Mooney. The Discover magazine blogger had just started a series of posts on how to effectively communicate the dangers posed by rising greenhouse gas levels leading to global warming, when the 10:10.org video (officially called Splattergate now) hit on Friday.

Only Mooney isn't just the victim of bad timing, but also his own poor judgment, as he chose to begin his series with a lengthy video with Lawrence Livermore Lab Alarmist Ben Santer -- you know, the Climategate bloke who wanted to "beat the crap out of" former Virginia state climatologist (and global warming realist) Pat Michaels.
Franny Armstrong Blows Reputation** @ Jo Abbess
[Donna Laframboise] There’s an entry on your blogroll called “Send a Sceptic to Siberia”.

As someone whose family fled the former Soviet Union (you know, the folks who destroyed millions of lives by shipping people to Siberian gulags where they were worked and starved to death), you’ll have to forgive me.

Your outrage over the 10:10 film rings a tad hollow.
YID With LID: Gillian Anderson Was a Y2K Moonbat Before She Was a Global Warming Moonbat
[video] This is not the first time Ms. Anderson has been all over a moonbat the earth is going to die craze, back in 1999 the she appeared on the Letterman Show, warning of the dangers of the Y2K end of all computer life as we know it.

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