Wednesday, October 06, 2010

[Will the prairie dogs get kidney stones?]: Wind Farms Cause Global Night Warming
Former Vice President Al Gore, the green guru, has a new problem to ponder as he drives his gas-guzzling SUV; and it’s not fossil fuels. The journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), has just announced that wind turbines causes turbulence that “leads to a warming near the surface at night.”
Green advertisement to bring pain | Herald Sun
Eco fanatics are no different to totalitarian ideologues through the ages. Evils such as Nazism don't arrive with devil's horns; they come in disguise - "sweet camouflaged poison".

So we should thank Franny Armstrong and her 10-10 comrades for their vile ad; they naively removed the camouflage too soon.

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