Thursday, November 18, 2010

Andrew Revkin [takes yet another fossil-fueled trip, this time to Colorado]
His reporting on the politic struggles over climate policy consistently led all competitors. In 2005 and 2006, he exclusively exposed efforts by political operatives to rewrite government climate reports in the White House and prevent NASA scientists from conveying their views on warming. His stories were quickly followed by the resignations of two presidential appointees.
Flashback: Physician, heal thyself: Amusing revelations from left-wing planet healer Andy Revkin
After lecturing us for decades about global warming and the evils of fossil fuel, he reveals that since 1996, he's been living in a house with substandard insulation, heated by an unmaintained oil burner.
American Thinker: The Left and Energy Policy
Even if the left's actions are reversed following 2012 with the election of a Republican president and Senate, America will be years behind its global competition for new energy. Once China, India, and Brazil have secured rights to the world's energy resources, these resources will be off-limits to American companies. It is as if Obama were sitting in the White House thinking night and day about how to destroy America's energy industry while forcing Americans everywhere to pay more for fuel. That may seem unlikely to some readers, but for a president whose closest supporters believe that gas prices of $10 a gallon would not be a bad thing, it sounds about right to me.
Climate Lessons: Do Climate Know-It-Alls make good teachers or preachers? - a musical offering.
I’m very good at scariness and all degrees of fearfulness
I know how children get those nightmares quite horribilis
In short, in matters terrible, fearful and excitable
I am the very model of a modern Climate-KnowItAll.

I know our media’s trickery, in Nature and the NYT
I dish out press releases and they headline anything from me
I quote in elegiacs all the flaws of Homo Sapiens
With polemics I can dazzle almost any leftwing audience.

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