Sunday, November 07, 2010

Don't Tread on American Growth, Energy Security

Environmental groups must face reality; "green" energy is not something that will appear overnight. Experts predict that these technologies will not be available to handle a significant portion of U.S. energy demand for decades. Cutting off our access to local sources of traditional fuels will not spur a green revolution. Instead, it will simply raise our energy prices and threaten desired energy independence and security. 

The situation in Idaho and Montana is a clear instance of international groups flooding what should be a local issue with an outside agenda to the detriment of, and in blatant disregard to, the interests of the local citizens and the country. The New York Times has once again positioned itself as an advocate for misguided liberal policies being touted by these outside sources. But the fact is, the rabble rousers like the NRDC whose message they propagate would push us into a greater reliance on foreign oil and gas while destroying employment opportunities here at home. They seem to forget that oil and gas companies provide more than 9 million domestic jobs, and a steady, affordable supply of the energy we depend on to heat our houses, drive our cars, and light our schools. Citizens in Montana, Idaho, and across the country must stand up to these sorts of ideological invasions, declaring, "Go fight your battles in someone else's backyard."

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