Sunday, November 07, 2010

The EPA's 'Climate Change' Tyranny

Yet not a single howl has withstood scrutiny. Furthermore, humans have dealt with temperature swings larger than those of the last 150 years. For instance, the Medieval Warm Period (tenth to fourteenth centuries)enticed Vikings to populate Iceland and Greenland. The Vikes left the settlements by 1450 when the weather turned unbearably cold at the onset of the Little Ice Age (mid-fourteenth to mid-nineteenth centuries). Deciding that "cosmological disorder" causes frigid temperatures, the Vikings built churches. In contrast, the Inuit people adapted to the Little Ice Age and still live in the Artic today.

Viking climate theory has found fresh adherents -- warmists. The Vikes imagined spiritual chaos and built churches. Warmists imagine industrial diabolism and push the doctrine of the Church of Global Warming -- parent organization to the Church of the Green Dragon. Rather than adapt, the Vikings quit. Warmists wouldn't dream of adapting. They want to sacrifice capitalists. Warmist religious doctrine demands that humankind revert to simpler times, before evil technology.

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