Friday, November 26, 2010

The folly of tilting at windmills | The Australian
Greens and other activists tend to condemn those who question the investment in renewable energy at the expense of other initiatives as climate science deniers. In cutting carbon, the best solutions are those that do the job cost-efficiently. High-cost token measures will destroy public support for real solutions.
The Volt’s Reason to Be - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Critics of the Chevy Volt rightfully point out that GM’s new plug-in hybrid is an overpriced Chevy Cruze, that it is not a revolution-in-the-making but a niche vehicle, and that it should stand on its merits without expensive taxpayer subsidies. But those critics also assume a rational world.
This week, the EPA announced that the Volt will get an EPA MPG rating of 60 mpg, which will go a long way towards helping the company meet the government’s absurd 35 mpg average for all the vehicles the company makes. That is, since consumers prefer cars that get 21 mpg on average (53 percent of vehicles bought today are SUVs, after all), GM can throw in the Volt’s 60 mpg to goose up its fleet average and avoid millions in federal fines and public execution by the national media.

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