Monday, November 08, 2010

Reality denier: After polar bear numbers have greatly increased since the cooling scare of the 1970s, he now suggests that CO2 may kill them all by the time his daughter grows up

Climate [Fraudster Michael Mann] Speaks Out - Science News
Late the morning of November 7, Mann stepped in front of a crowd of reporters just off the campus of Yale University, as part of a plenary panel at the annual Council for the Advancement of Science Writing meeting. It was a friendly crowd, most of whom had spent years covering the overwhelming scientific evidence that greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere by human activities are causing global temperatures to heat up.
Mann concluded that “there’s not just a hockey stick — there’s a hockey league.” Some scientific uncertainties do remain about climate change, such as the precise effects of clouds in a changing climate. “There are legitimate uncertainties,” Mann said, “but unfortunately the public discourse right now is so far from scientific discourse.”
I’ve seen Mann in this frame of mind before; several years ago he testified in front of some of his staunchest critics at a National Academy of Sciences panel set up to review the hockey stick work. The jaw I saw clenched back then seemed not to have loosened, even when the audience was a group of friendly journalists rather than aggressive panel questioners. (The final NAS report reaffirmed the basic science underlying the hockey stick reconstruction.)

Yet Mann remains keenly aware of the political import of every word. He ended his talk with an impassioned plea to action, complete with a picture of his daughter marveling at swimming polar bears at the local zoo. “I can’t imagine having to tell her when she’s grown up that the polar bears became extinct,” he said, “because we didn’t act soon enough to combat a problem that we knew was real but that we couldn’t convince the public of.”


10ksnooker said...

Polar bears are not a unique species, they came from brown bears that just walked north in search of less populated territory for food. Turned white to better hunt seals.

So if they disappear we can just make more.

If you have ever been in the wild and seen a polar bear up close and personal, you know they are always hungry, and you are just a food item.

Anonymous said...

What a tool. Penn State should fire him for damaging their reputation.

John said...

Polar Bear Blog - October 20, 2009 - Bad Year for a Climate Change Documentary
"…….When this bear was first spotted in August (you could still see ice of the coast of Churchill by August 18th...), I'm told you could barely distinguish his legs, he was so massive and so engulfed in fat. In fact, there are quite a few stories of enormous bears this year. One dog dragged home a skull (still with some meat on it...) that once it was boiled down, measured 16" from scalp to nose, forehead probably a foot wide. First day and I've heard a few stories of big bears, might be time to put the 'bears used to be bigger' in the old days storyline to rest - it held up in the nineties but maybe less so now... "

John said...

Today, the polar bear population may hover healthily around 25,000 (they live in Russia, Alaska, Greenland, Norway and Canada).
Yet, we are repeatedly warned, if the planet continues to overheat at the present rate, within four decades our biggest carnivore will be extinct, starved to death as its natural hunting grounds disappear.
"Come up and see them while you still can," is the gist of their depressing refrain.
To some Churchill residents, who base their opinions on personal experience rather than fancy charts and computer models, this is so much nonsense put about by scaremongers for their own dubious ends."
Read more:

David Larsen said...

I used to hunt moose up by the Arctic circle in Manitoba. We once had our licenses checked by the Game department. The officer had just finished a stint in Churchill removing polar bears from town. They would drug them and then load them into the back of pickup and drive them out of town. They had once bear that filled the back of the bed and his legs hang all the way down to the ground. Awesome!