Sunday, November 07, 2010

U.S. Department of Energy - Chu in Ireland: A Case Study in Wind Power | DOE Blog
Ireland has set an aggressive goal of obtaining 40 percent of its annual electricity needs from renewable energy by 2020, almost all of which will come from wind. In fact, at one point on April 4, 2010, Ireland was able to draw 50 percent of its electricity from wind. Of course, wind is a variable source of energy, and one of the challenges Ireland faces as wind becomes a greater share of the power mix is ensuring a stable, reliable flow of electricity even when the wind stops blowing.
Warning Signs: Greenwashing America
The EPA, created by Richard Nixon with an executive order in 1970, has to be downsized to its original mandate, ensuring clean air and clean water. When it began to define rain puddles as navigable waters and ordinary dust as a pollutant, you have to know just how crazed and dangerous it has become.

It will take a generation or two for Americans to shake loose of the insanity that is environmentalism. Long seen as a religion, it seeks total control over every aspect of your life.

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