Sunday, November 07, 2010

Why fighting global warming should be a conservative cause - Washington Post
But it's conservatives who should fear climate change the most. To put it simply, if you hate big government, try global warming on for size.

Many conservatives say they oppose clean-energy policies because they want to keep government off our backs. But they have it exactly backward. Doing nothing will set our country on a course toward narrower choices for businesses and individuals, along with an expanded role for government. When catastrophe strikes - and yes, the science is quite solid that it will - it will be the feds who are left conducting triage.
- Bishop Hill blog - Where's Mashey?
[Is Michael Mann repeating himself?]
Most US States Had Their Hottest Year Prior To 1970 | Real Science
According to NCDC, almost all of the US had their hottest year prior to Hansen’s period of modern global warming.
Another letter from Hal Lewis to the American Physical Society | Watts Up With That?
1.The 2007 statement should be simply withdrawn. No excuses, no caveats, no unnecessary embarrassment, no statement of principles, no references to future research, simply withdrawn. It was a mistake. This is the sine qua non for restoring the honor of APS.

2. The Council should promulgate a transparent confict-of-interest policy, comparable to those used by the government. Those offended by this might even serve under reasonable constraints. Others should not serve. Many know how to do this. It is insane to have people with millions of dollars at stake determining APS policy on such matters.

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