Monday, December 13, 2010

Some odd quotes in a posting that argues that scientists aren't influenced by their politics

Most Scientists Are Democrats and Why It’ll Stay That Way
Consider my [chemist] dad’s reaction when I told him about the political layout of scientists. Even with the vast majority of people in his corner, he still quipped: “55 percent are Democrats? Then the other 45 percent are dumbshits.”

He was joking, of course, but it makes me wonder. Politics make scientists angry just like everyone else. My father is one of the most peaceful, reasonable people I know. But he’s also stubborn as hell, especially when it comes to his lady science. And from my experience with his colleagues and every scientist I’ve known (or dated) since—I don’t know a single one who could stomach compromising their science in any way, let along for the sake of politics. Here’s my dad on the matter:
Science is blind to politics. Global warming is happening regardless of what some conservative yahoo in a Republican bastion thinks of a scientist’s political persuasion. Whether you choose, as a politician, to respond intelligently to the coming crisis in global temperature, or put your (probably fat GOP ) head and ass in the sand has zilch to do with some “cabal” of lefty scientists pushing an agenda.

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