Saturday, January 08, 2011

Die Klimazwiebel: Interviews with and analysis of climate scientists' attitudes
[Hans von Storch] Climate has become the most important environmental concern, maybe because concern about a “worsening climate” is an old cultural construct in the west, where the concept had flourished for a long time that a higher power would punish people for sinful behavior. The traditional sins have been replaced by sins against the environment in general and against climate in particular. Climate stands for all these problems, and the climate problem is easy to grasp, has simple answers, which are consistent with traditional knowledge claims.
...The climate problem is well suited for a global debate, because it may be framed so that almost all relevant problems, the north-south problem, inequality of development, injustice due to former colonialism, environmental degradation are included.
Climate science needs light: Goldstein | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun
If global warming is going to change the way we live, secrecy is not an option
NC Media Watch: OMG, is the Board of Supervisors about to endorse science re-education!
Judith Kildow is a hard core liberal that once told NU High School students that all the marine life in the ocean would be dead in 5 years due to global warming if something was not done to stop CO2 pollution now. Well I have a question from Judith. How is it that the sea life survived for millions of year when the CO2 levels were hundreds of times higher than they are today?

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