Saturday, January 08, 2011

Republicans Go After Loonie 1960s Scientist | Real Science

C3: The Idiocy of Hansen Documented: Climate Science Buffoonery By A Taxpayer Funded Scientist
NASA's James Hansen has been fantastically wrong with his catastrophic climate predictions over the past decades, putting him in an exclusive league with the wildly and wrongly speculating Paul Ehrlich.

Just read the linked posting above and recognize that Hansen is supposedly the gold-standard of government scientists: hey, it's predictions based on absurdities, not science, and it's a gig he gets paid handsomely for.
Where’s the “missing” heat? | Climate Etc.
This week, there is discussion about a new paper by Willis, Knox and Douglass entitled “Recent Energy Balance of Earth” is in press at the International Journal of Geosciences. Knox and Douglass have written a blog post at WUWT, with the following overall punchline: they find that estimates of the recent (2003–2008) ocean heat content rates of change (observed from ARGO floats) are preponderantly negative, which does not support the existence of either a large positive radiative imbalance or a “missing energy.”

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