Sunday, January 16, 2011

Warmist David Roberts takes unnecessary fossil-fueled flight to Chicago to talk about ways to change your energy-guzzling behavior

What’s the real potential for behavior-change programs? | Grist
Yesterday I moderated a panel at the Midwest Energy Solutions Conference called "Creating Lasting Impacts: Behavior Change, Consumer Marketing, and Claimed Savings." (Hott, right?!) It was largely focused on electric utility programs designed to influence customer behavior.


Anonymous said...

It's not just energy that they want us to reduce use of, they also want us to use less natural resources so that there's more for the rest of the world to use.

Anonymous said...

They don't care how much energy and natural resources you use! They just want you to pay (them) more. Its not about the environment, its about MONEY, the UN has already said as much.