Thursday, March 31, 2011

Early Spring Hits Portland | Real Science
Portland, Oregon hit 60F today for the first time this year. It is the latest date that has ever happened. Probably due to the pipeline of missing heat in the ocean.
Why PBS Should be defunded - Minnesotans For Global Warming
Saw this "documentary" on PBS last night Herr Goebbels would be proud.
Everytime they talked about "carbon" they had smoke stacks in the background and every time they talked about windmills it was a pristine sunny day.

Right after this appeared PBS had a a commercial telling their viewers to call there Senators because they might lose their funding. Let's see, PBS uses our tax dollars to create fear mongering propaganda to scare the public about a made up problem so they can tax us ever more.
CapitalClimate: Near-Record April Fool's Snowfall Forecast
With widespread snowfall amounts of 8"-12" forecast for interior northern New England, some April snow records may be exceeded.
Is the Public Clamoring for More EPA Regulation?
In an earlier post today, I note that in the November 2010 elections, voters punished lawmakers pushing the EPA-Obama-Boxer stealth energy tax agenda formerly known as cap-and-trade. Elections are the most relevant “poll” for guiding legislative deliberations.

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