Thursday, March 24, 2011

Heads I win, tails it's a tie: IJIS Arctic sea ice extent data shows 2011 sea ice maximum over 1,700 Manhattans greater than 2006 maximum

Arctic sea ice tied for smallest ever - The Hill's E2-Wire
The maximum reach of Arctic sea ice isn’t what it used to be, and global warming appears to be a culprit.

The National Snow and Ice Data Center reports that Arctic sea ice probably reached its maximum extent for the year on March 7, which was 5.65 million square miles.

“The maximum extent was 1.2 million square kilometers (463,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), and equal (within 0.1 percent) to 2006 for the lowest maximum extent in the satellite record,” the center, which is part of the University of Colorado-Boulder, reported Wednesday.
IJIS sea extent data
The ice age cometh?! The 2011 maximum is over 1700 Manhattans bigger than the 2006 maximum!

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