Thursday, March 24, 2011

Now, Starter Homes Boast Solar Arrays -
KB Home estimates that the standard 1.4-kilowatt solar array will supply about 30 percent of the electricity for an 1,800-foot to 2,000-foot square home. Of course, that all depends on how much a homeowner runs their air conditioning, for instance.
Global Warming Hoax Weekly Round-Up, Mar. 24th 2011 « The Daily Bayonet
Bill McKibben is concerned, of course. Weepy Bill only has two settings, ‘alarmed’ and ‘ohmygodweregonnadie’
Most Senators Support EPA Rollback, But Not Same Bill -
At the very least, Republicans hope to make this an issue in the 2012 elections.

A majority of 51 senators — all but four Republicans, plus eight Democrats — back bills to stymie the EPA's climate rules push. At least three GOP moderates are expected to end up supporting the effort, while a dozen or so Democrats are on the fence.

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