Wednesday, March 23, 2011

No doubt about it, Julia's a believer | The Australian
ANOTHER Julia Gillard emerged in parliament yesterday: the "conviction" Julia, who has always believed in climate change and will pass a carbon tax this year. In her clearest declaration of her absolute belief in climate change and her commitment to combating global warming, the Prime Minister sought, once and for all, to remove doubts about her conviction and determination.

She also used the heartfelt moment of personal witness to paint Tony Abbott as an extremist, a climate-change denier who is negative, destructive and pessimistic, and is prepared to associate with anti-Semites, conspiracists and One Nation. The current Liberal leader, she said, had abandoned the Liberal tradition of fact-based policy, indulging instead in fear.
She said she formed her view on climate change by dealing "with facts, not fear", and that she had "formed the view we needed to act".
But she evaded the Liberal leader's question as to whether she believed she would have been elected if she had announced a carbon tax six days before the election, when she said there would be no carbon tax.

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