Saturday, May 28, 2011

Carl Pope: The Incredible Shrinking GOP Field
All seem to be mindful of the remarkable know-nothing standard set for GOP candidates by Marc Morano, the head of the new right-wing, climate-cynic website Climate Depot. Morano, who used to work for Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, proclaims, "Republican presidential hopefuls can believe in man-made global warming as long as they never talk about it, and oppose all the so-called solutions."

We can be certain that if Michele Bachmann or Sarah Palin does decide to grace the Republican field, they will go after their opponents with this recycled question from the McCarthy era: "Do you now, or have you ever, believed in man-made climate change? Do you now, or have you ever, supported cap and trade?"

So science, for the Republicans, has become the new Communist conspiracy.

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