Al's Journal : Ice and Snow Disappearing from Mt. Rainier

The effects of the climate crisis are hitting closer and closer to home:Deep Snow Delaying Opening of Sunrise Area at Mount Rainier National Park | National Parks Traveler
[June 21, 2011] Too much snow will keep the Sunrise area in Mount Rainier National Park closed through the Fourth of July weekend and until at least July 8, according to park officials. Also, the White River Campground won't open until July 1.
As the accompanying photos show, there really is a lot of snow still waiting to melt away at Sunrise.

On June 9th of last year I was on vacation there in Mt. Rainier National Park. Last year they couldn't get the snow off the roads fast enough and had to hold the opening of Sunrise to June 25th,
Also here is a Tiny Pic link to some pictures I took last year in Mt. Rainier National park:
About a week later when I was leaving Yellowstone National Park, I took the Beartooth Scenic Highway. As we got to the highest point of the highway there was still lakes frozen:
Click on link and scroll down and see the latest June 24, 2011 photo of Sunrise where employees are seen digging out the building.
Btw...let Watts Up with That know about this one. I'm unable to post over there -
Even more evidence Reverend Algore is ignorant, the Nisqually Glacier on the South side of Rainier is GROWING, as has been documented by a series of photos over the years posted a visitor viewing area.
On Al's bolg, on this matter, he linked the source to a Washington Post piece on June 13th.
Guess Al didn't get all the way through the two paragraphs. Here's part of paragraph #2:
[..] Mount Rainier’s ice and snow coverage expanded from the late 1950s to around 1980 during a wetter-than-normal phase of a climate cycle called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. These recent trends indicate that Mount Rainier’s glaciers are very sensitive to warming and could grow again with modest changes in temperature or precipitation, the scientists say.
Let's see - this cycle should bring?
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