Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Arctic Ice Forecast | Real Science
My forecast is that come the end of September, the amount of multi-year ice will again increase relative to last year, as it has done every year since 2008. In 2013 there should be an increase in the amount of five year old ice, because that is when the 2008 ice will have aged five years. : Arctic To Be Ice Free In Two Years | Real Science
No wonder so many universities love McKibben. He also has no idea what he is talking about.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Solar Physicist Dr. C. de Jager predicts Grand Solar Minimum will last until 2100
"The new episode is a deep minimum. It will look similar to the Maunder Minimum, which lasted from 1620 to 1720...This new Grand Minimum will last until approximately 2100."
Brits to shut grid for solar flare by Sallie Don and Amos Aikman | Solar Cycle 25
BRITAIN is preparing to invoke emergency powers to turn off its electricity to shield the country from the worst effects of the biggest solar flare in 150 years.
A stain on all scientists | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
So, let’s ask again which of the two represents the bigger threat to the reputation of scientists - the lightly credentialled former political operative who denounces sceptical inquiry and demands scientists join some national cause, or the massively credentialled expert who resists demands that he follow the political consensus?

Arabia should pull her head in and apologise. Science is about science, not politics.
Two Population Predictions « NoFrakkingConsensus
Self-appointed busybodies, making ridiculous arguments, pretending they know what the future holds, and at no risk of being held accountable when their predictions turn out to be well wide of the mark. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Just a little something to keep in mind the next time you hear phrases such as ’scientists predict’ or ‘scientists believe.’

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