Sunday, June 19, 2011

Warmist Dr. Jeff Masters thinks you're stupid: He blames global warming for the weather during Oregon's fifth coolest spring on record

Oregon endures second-wettest spring in 117 years of record keeping |
Summer officially starts Tuesday morning at 10:16 a.m., but we'll be talking about the spring of 2011 for years to come -- or at least until we get more than the one 80-degree day we've had so far this year.
...Below average temperatures also made it the fifth coolest spring in Oregon on record.

Snowpacks that usually peak on April 1, kept growing well into May.
While these and other records (Portland's latest first-60 degree day finally came on March 31) led to lots of complaining ("I'm in Portland, Oregon where it is once again winter," tweeted Denise Rothman of Portland last week) canceled baseball games and led to dozens of cloudy, cool days, the rest of the country truly suffered.
While much of these extremes can be tied to La Niña, [Dr. Jeff Masters of the Weather Underground]  said global climate change may have played a factor.

"It is difficult to disentangle the two effects without doing detailed modeling studies, which typically take years complete and publish," Masters said. 

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