Monday, June 13, 2011

The Self Corruption of Climate Science - William Pentland - Clean Beta - Forbes
If the IPCC wants to remain a relevant institution, it needs to act now and act decisively. The first step is changing the “tone at the top” about the importance of principles and procedures for evaluating the use of so-called “grey literature” – unpublished or non-peer-reviewed scientific research – in the IPCC’s assessment reports.
["Policy-neutral" IPCC climate hoax chief takes fossil-fueled trip to BC; says we need a shift in policies]
“I don’t think these are unsolvable problems. Yes, they’re daunting, no doubt, but so is the awesome power of human society to be able to deal with these problems,” Pachauri said after addressing the 400 delegates. “It’s a question of creating public awareness and a shift in policies and actions.”
“The challenge before us is not only a large one,” said Pachauri during his 2007 acceptance speech, “it is also one in which every year of delay implies a commitment to greater climate change in the future.”

Pachauri looked back on the years that passed since the award and said efforts to combat climate change have not been regularized by governments.

“One has to be honest about what one sees all around,” he said from UBC. “The fact is that there is much to be concerned about at this point in 2011. The kind of enthusiasm, the kind of momentum that one expected [in 2007] is clearly missing.”

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