Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friday rant: Smart ALEC edition - Tom Toles - The Washington Post
I would commend the story unto the raging populists of the Tea Party, but in one of the oddest twists in the history of populism, this particular group of populists can’t get ENOUGH of their corporate overlords buying and running the government. Why? Because the energy companies have told them that climate change is ALL MADE UP, and the energy corporations’ word on this is GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM!

So the Teapopulistas will read this story and nod and murmur “You go, Galt!” and later look forlorn and confused and pouty wondering why there is no more FEMA to come and rebuild their house that the new climate tornado blew away.  [Again:  If warm weather causes tornadoes, why hasn't the recent warm weather in parts of the US been accompanied by lots of tornadoes?]
July 30, 1892 Hundreds Of Dead From The Heat | Real Science

“Hard Evidence” That Global Warmers Are FOS | Real Science
Here is a report from 1958 which says that Arctic sea ice was six feet thick – identical to today. It was “steadily thinning” and was “warming appreciably.”

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