Sunday, July 24, 2011

Warmist Romm: Warm weather in July means we're doomed; cold weather in January means nothing

After Story on Monster Heat Wave, NBC Asks “What Explains This?” The Answer: “We’re Stuck in a Summer Pattern”! | ThinkProgress
Ahh, but when it comes to actually connecting the dots between extreme weather we’re now experiencing and global warming, well, that story is apparently too hot to handle — even when the data does support that view.

The southwest is in an uber-hot drought, but the NY Times says no dots to connect to global warming
[Is Romm too stupid to understand the difference between weather and climate?] Best Heat Wave Cartoons, Toles Gets “Hot and Bothered” | ThinkProgress

“Experts: Cold snap doesn’t disprove global warming” | Romm, January 2010 - ThinkProgress
It bears repeating, as I said on Fox, that global warming can’t turn January into July. So merely reporting it’s cold in January isn’t news that has any relevancy to global warming. say, it was so cold yesterday in one city it didn’t even break the record or we just had a once-in-30-years weather event, well, that’s just not evidence of anything but boredom by the media.
We’ve only had about 1°F warming in recent decades, which can’t do much more than skew the odds — it certainly hasn’t warmed anywhere near enough to have driven us outside the bounds of the much larger temperature swings that come from regional weather patterns, let alone the seasons.
And for some reason, it always bears repeating that precipitation isn’t temperature

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