Thursday, July 07, 2011

Kilez The Climate Science Rapper Mobilizes Youth To Think For Themselves
More about More. Below is a short interview with Austrian rapper Kilez More.

More, 22, recently released a rap song/video called Climate Change (Climate Lies, Climate Swindle…), which features the IPCC, CRU and the hockey stick. Now how does a young rap artist know so much about such a complex issue, let alone write a skeptic rap song about it for the youth?

The song indeed is mobilizing the youth, not in masses, but it is a budding challenge. For that Kilez is becoming a sort of enfant terrible, persona non grata in Europe – who dares speak truth to power. I’ve since translated the German text to English, and Kilez has added the English subtitles to his Youtube video
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The Atacama desert in Chile described as the driest place on Earth just got walloped by an extreme cold front (climate change) and was buried in snow.
The EPA’s Ethanol Boondoggle - By James Sensenbrenner - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Congress may have finally recognized the absurdity of subsidizing the ethanol industry, but, unfortunately for America, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has its own agenda.
Cartoon world of Global Warming — watch the message unfold « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
What a great video. Enjoy. Skill and talent meet a roomful of science.
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I wonder why?

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