Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chris Huhne is likely to be next minister to quit government -
ALASTAIR CAMPBELL once said you have 11 days to kill a story or else it could kill you. Or words to that effect, I’ve put a little spin on that myself.

Those are ominous words for Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne (right) – also known as ‘Huhne me?’ The worry for Huhne is that everyone appears to be talking about this speeding ticket allegation and not about the climate.

The accusation that Huhne forced his estranged wife Vicky Pryce to put speeding points on her driving licence in 2003 won’t go away.
Politicized Global Warming in the GOP - [Ronald Bailey still believes] : Reason Magazine
In any case, both would-be Republican presidential candidates are commendably opposed to cap-and-trade carbon rationing. I think that Perry is wrong on the science (and I know many H&R readers disagree), but also think that what government is likely to do about man-made global warming is probably worse than the future effects of global warming.
More Data in on Arctic Pack Ice | Robert A. Brown -
We have to remember that these models have a statistical chance attached. Although the model predicts the ice all gone by 2050, it also allows about a 5% chance that it’s gone in 2014. Many people would take out insurance on a 5% chance of $trillions loss in a few years.

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