Thursday, August 18, 2011

Twitter / @TuckerCarlson: Which scientists do you trust
Which scientists do you trust? RT @JonHuntsman: To be clear. I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming. Call me crazy.
Frustration for start of Scotland's harvest | News | Farmers Guardian
In England, this year’s harvest is generally similar, or possibly a little slower, than normal because of the cold weather in June and July, according to the NFU’s chief arable adviser Guy Gagen.
Polar blast threatens Daffodil Day |
Daffodils will be in short supply for next Friday's Daffodil Day with the Antarctic blast wiping out stocks, including more than half of the flowers grown at the Waikato's sole supplier to the NZ Cancer Society.

Graham Phillips, who owns the Clandon Daffodils at Gordonton, says the cold snap could not have come at a worse time. He should be flat out picking daffodils this week but said the bad frosts and unusually low daytime temperatures had seen a drop in his production by about 60 per cent.
Climate Change – Now We Must Fear Alien Attack « Tory Aardvark
This is probably the most ridiculous fear scenario that the Church of Climatology have ever come out with, we could be attacked by aliens monitoring us from space because of our obscene CO2 emissions, which having failed to increase global temperatures, could still piss off alien life forms.
However fringe lunatic this appears the standard warming alarmist message of we must restrict (economic) growth and go back to living in mud huts and never travelling more than 5 miles from our village is repeated, if we do this then the aliens who might have attacked us, might not attack us, or something like that.

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