Thursday, August 11, 2011

NOAA Now Begins Time In 1999 | Real Science
What a complete crock. NOAA has detailed drought records going back to at least 1900.
Compare July, 2011 to July, 1934. In 1934, 80% of the US was under moderate to extreme drought. In 2011, more of the country is wetter than normal than is drier than normal.

Why is our government lying to us?
The CIA's Weather Underground | Mother Jones
given the track record of the GOP caucus, it's a relatively safe prediction that climate programs of all stripes remain at high risk. Earlier this year, congressional Republicans placed at least 11 programs on the chopping block; they succeeded in axing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Service. In this political climate, it's no wonder the CIA declined to discuss its global-warming research for this article. For the time being, the climate spooks have gone underground.
Congress doesn’t believe global warming is a security threat | Grist
Global warming is enough of a security concern that the Navy has a climate change task force, and the CIA has offices devoted to addressing climate-related threats to national security. So some members of Congress (cough GOP cough) want to shut those down.

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