Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Piers Morgan Butters Up Moderate Republican Jon Huntsman |
"Jon Huntsman may be that very rare thing in the Republican Party – a moderate. He believes in global warming, civil unions, and was once in a rock band," Morgan began on Tuesday.
Models show 'global-warming crisis' not really coming (
New NASA satellite data reveals that computer models relied upon by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have been predicting too much global warming.

These computer models helped to support the IPCC's claims that humans are causing a global-warming crisis. But now, James Taylor, senior fellow for environmental policy at The Heartland Institute, says new information proves otherwise.
Warning Signs: The Great Renewable Energy Scam Continues
Support for “green energy” and “green jobs” by the Obama administration is just one more way to further bankrupt the nation. If its attacks on traditional generating facilities continue, America will become a third-world nation with rolling blackouts and brownouts.

Like everything else with the word “green” attached to it, renewable energy is just another massive scam like the all the lies that kept global warming going until that enormous and costly hoax was finally discredited.

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