Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rick Perry Gets It on Global Warming - Marc Morano
Texas Gov. Rick Perry's entrance into the GOP presidential primary has almost overnight deflated the prospects of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, and Perry’s skepticism of man-made global warming has been one of the key factors.

Perry rides into the presidential contest with a bold brand of global warming skepticism that is sure to ignite tea party enthusiasts and GOP primary voters. Perry told the Guardian that global warming is "one contrived phony mess that is falling apart under its own weight."
The question GOP primary voters face about Romney and global warming is simple: If voters get behind a Romney, are they getting behind Al Gore —who criticizes Obama on climate — as well?

What level of support can he maintain now that Rick Perry offers voters a no-compromise candidate on man-made global warming? Make no mistake — Romney is in deep trouble on the climate issue.

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