Thursday, August 18, 2011

C3: Obama Pours Taxpayer Dollars Into Solar, Up 626% - Payback Is Loss of Jobs & Bankrupt Companies
Obama and his team think they can pick green energy technology winners. They have increased the subsidies to solar companies by 626% while trying to reduce subsidies to fossil fuels.
But those solar investments are going south, losing the taxpayer monies in the process as we discussed here and here. Obama and the Federal government need to remove themselves from the energy market, which subsidies and regulation have turned into a dysfunctional sector of the economy.
It's all the CWM's fault | Australian Climate Madness
That would be “conservative white males”. Desperate as always to avoid engaging with sceptics’ arguments, the Sydney Morning Herald decides that it’s their background that is more important.

Helpfully illustrated with photos of Pell, Bolt, Jones and Monckton, the SMH claims that sceptics’ political and cultural views are causing their (obviously deranged) attitudes to climate alarmism, and not hiding data, fudging results, pal-review, Hockey Stick, and all the other highly dubious practices of climate science
C3: Obama Plans To Loan $500 Million For Solar Project - In India
Investing in an Indian solar project is not what most Americans would think to be a good and appropriate use of American financing during difficult economic times. For a president that constantly talks about creating new jobs for Americans, he certainly doesn't 'walk the talk' unless it's in another country.

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