Wednesday, September 14, 2011

24 Hours of ManBearPig – Telegraph Blogs
Today is ManBearPig day. World renowned carbon trader and masseuse enthusiast Al Gore will be kicking off the celebrations by showing wall-to-wall eco-porn videos of weather doing scary things; stock markets across Europe will be collapsing in sympathy with the Prince of Wales's recent claims that economic growth is unhealthy and we must all live more "sustainably" (ie in abject poverty); and here on this blog we plan to commemorate this glorious event with fun, games and some of our favourite South Park, Simpsons, and Eco-loon propaganda videos.
He's Baaack!: A Hot New Media Blast From Al Gore - Forbes
First we were accused of causing melting polar ice caps, rising oceans and sweaty polar bears. Then global warming was renamed “climate change” and attributed to producing brutally cold winters. Now, despite an absence of any measurable warming in the past decade and a half, our feverish pal Al is launching a new international climate crisis campaign. His “Climate Reality Project” will link human activities to a historically unprecedented frequency of severe weather events. Really?
High hopes for Norfolk's artificial volcano in fight against climate change - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
Scientists and engineers plan to test the "geoengineering" idea at Sculthorpe Airfield near Fakenham next month by launching a helium-filled balloon tethered to a strengthened hosepipe which will spray tap water into the air at a height of 1km.
Australian Carbon Tax Bill Introduced
“Today we move from words to deeds. This Parliament is going to get this done. There will be a price on carbon from 1 July, 2012,” the Prime Minister said.
Jakarta hosts 24 hours of climate reality | The Jakarta Post
At the Climate Project Asia-Pacific Summit in Jakarta on Jan. 8-10, 2011, Al Gore spoke about the doubters of climate change. Asked how he would respond to the deniers, Gore said he would present them the scientific arguments “politely”.
Flashback: Al Gore Calls Bullsh*t on Climate Change Deniers | Video Cafe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Arrogant billionaire Al Gore pretends to scorn volcanoes, but we can ALL imagine what MILLIONS of his hoax victims will do to him, as soon as a sudden volcanic winter happens.
It is the only DAILY message that will stop him blacklisting us all.