Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The American Spectator : Mann Acts
Dr. Michael Mann seeks the help of other Climategate players to prevent access to his University of Virginia emails.
In his attempt to intervene in the ATI/UVA case, Mann also makes his own plea to Sullivan and the university lawyers. "Allowing the indiscriminate release of these materials will cause damage to reputations and harm principles of academic freedom," he wrote.

Fortunately neither side -- ATI nor UVA -- believes in an "indiscriminate" release. But in that one statement Mann provides reason enough for the records about his work and the company he keeps to be made public.
WH Pressured OMB on Solyndra Decision - By Andrew Stiles - The Corner - National Review Online
Bottom line: this is full blown scandal, and it’s not going away any time soon.
More Bad News for Global Warming True Believers | FrontPage Magazine
A stunning report by a panel of international scientists casts doubt that man is the cause of global warming or climate change. The study concluded that “natural causes,” not anthropogenic (man-made) causes, “are very likely to be dominant.” This finding flies in the face of crucial climate policies and actions by President Obama and congressional Democrats.
Al Gore and the lakes of molten lava
One of the real experts on the Akkadian disaster is Dr. Heidi Cullen, late of the Weather Channel. Heidi personally dug up the evidence of six solar-driven climate cycles whose cooling phases repeatedly destroyed the cities of the Tigris-Euphrates Valley for centuries at a time. The cities were always rebuilt during the global warmings. Her paper was published in Geology in 2000. Heidi tells us to “follow the science.” I’m willing because her science tells me about Nature’s long, moderate solar-driven 1,500-year cycle.

As for Al Gore, he just needs to tell us when the earth will start warming again—and why we should believe him again.

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