Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Unclear on the concept: In warmist scientist Donald Prothero's lengthy, angry political screed against non-believing politicians, he claims that warmist scientists are almost all uninterested in politics

Skepticblog » Denialist Demagogues and McCarthyist Tactics
But the rest of these candidates, one of whom could potentially hold the presidency for the next four years, should worry us with not only their rejection of science, but the even more alarming tactic of using ad hominem attacks and “shoot the messenger” tactics to try to discredit the overwhelming consensus of climate scientists around the world (as I discussed in my post of Aug. 24). Not only are their charges and fantasies patently absurd, but they remind us of how other demagogues, from Hitler and Stalin to Joe McCarthy, used name-calling and intimidation to threaten and suppress ideas of people who challenged their world viewpoint.
I know hundreds of natural scientists (geologists, biologists, chemists, and physicists in many subspecialties), and if there’s one thing they almost all share, it’s a lack of interest in politics and economics, let alone a unified socialist-communist agenda. warming denialism is entirely a PR campaign and conspiracy by right-wing ideologues and their energy company backers, not a movement that spontaneously arose from dissident climate scientists. There is much evidence to support this contention.
...We’re human, of course, so occasionally research with a political agenda does get published—but then the rest of the scientific community will jump in and criticize it, so we don’t get away with our biases for long.
In some cases, the right-wing fringe has gone to extreme lengths in their hostile attitude toward legitimate science. The FBI has reported a sharp increase [Can I see a graph of this alleged data?] in threats and hate mail and intimidation against prominent climate scientists like Michael Mann, James Hansen, and others. anti-scientific troglodyte like Inhofe is capable of wasting a lot of scientists’ time and money fighting and defending themselves against charges in court or in Congress, not to mention the fact that all these scientists are now targets of gun-toting crazy right-wingers.
Let’s hope by the time of the 2012 elections that the people will tire not only of these candidates, but their extreme anti-science agenda, with its terrible effects on scientific research and researchers. Hopefully, these demagogues will not only be voted down, but the voters will send a message that this kind of extremism (here in the defense of oil companies and other powerful corporate interests) is not to be tolerated.
Occidental College :: Donald Prothero
Donald Prothero teaches Physical and Historical Geology, Sedimentary Geology, and Paleontology. His specialties are mammalian paleontology and magnetic stratigraphy of the Cenozoic. His current research focuses on the dating of the climatic changes that occurred between 30 and 40 million years ago, using the technique of magnetic stratigraphy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha, I posted two replies to DENIALIST DEMAGOGUES AND MCCARTHYIST TACTICS and they are still in the moderation state. Yet there is one later post after mine that is not in moderation. Here's what I posted there:

5. Kramer says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
September 14, 2011 at 1:57 pm
“First of all, the idea that climate scientists are a global left-wing conspiracy to get rich and enforce a liberal agenda is laughable on the face of it.”

No it’s not. The solutions to AGW are leftist politics, for example, they call for a redistribution of wealth both within and between nations.
And in fact, sustainable development is in many ways the successor to the New International Economic Order that fizzled out in the early 80′s. And the term “sustainable development’ came from the Brundtland Report which was led by Gro Harlem Brundtland who happened to be a VP at
You need to do some painful discomforting research so you don’t make incorrect statements like the one I noted above.

6. Kramer says:
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September 14, 2011 at 2:02 pm
“In the words of Army lawyer Joseph Welch, whose statements during the 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings finally derailed the Red Scare of the McCarthy era:
Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

The funny thing is, McCarthy was right, there were communists in our government. You can find the names of them in the NSA’s VENONA files. Harry Dexter White was one of them.
Funny, when I was in school, I was taught that McCarthy was wrong, there were no communists in our government…

I guess I'll have to contact the guy personally and ask him nicely why my posts are being delayed or worse, blocked.