Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Yet another ridiculous claim by warmist Friedman: "This is high school physics"

Is It Weird Enough Yet? - Warmist left-winger Tom Friedman -
Every time I listen to Gov. Rick Perry of Texas and Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota talk about how climate change is some fraud perpetrated by scientists trying to gin up money for research, I’m always reminded of one of my favorite movie lines that Jack Nicholson delivers to his needy neighbor who knocks on his door in the film “As Good As It Gets.” “Where do they teach you to talk like this?” asks Nicholson. “Sell crazy someplace else. We’re all stocked up here.”

Thanks Mr. Perry and Mrs. Bachmann, but we really are all stocked up on crazy right now. I mean, here is the Texas governor rejecting the science of climate change while his own state is on fire — after the worst droughts on record have propelled wildfires to devour an area the size of Connecticut. As a statement by the Texas Forest Service said last week: “No one on the face of this earth has ever fought fires in these extreme conditions.”

Remember the first rule of global warming. The way it unfolds is really “global weirding.” The weather gets weird: the hots get hotter; the wets wetter; and the dries get drier. This is not a hoax.  This is high school physics...


Art Horn said...

Thomas Freedman thinks he's so smart but he is out of his league on this
subject. From his educational background it appears he has no science
training at all. He has no sense of weather history so he can't place
current events in any historical or "reality" context. Apparently he has
never heard of La Nina or the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and their
historical significance in re-creating the kinds of weather events we have
seen around the world and will continue to see as the La Nina returns for
2012. He is just another big government liberal who thinks Washington and
his own ideas are the answer.

He does not believe in free enterprise. Only the gifted and the wise (LIKE
HIM) in Washington can run the economy and our lives. He is a socialist from
stem to stern. He says "There is only one effective, sustainable way to
produce "green jobs," and that is with a fixed, durable, long-term price
signal (READ TAX) that raises the price of dirty fuels and thereby creates
sustained consumer demand (DESPITE WHAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY WANT, FREEDOM) for,
and sustained private sector investment in (SOLYNDRA?), renewables (WHICH
CAN'T WORK WITHOUT FOSSIL FUEL BACKUP). Without a carbon tax or gasoline tax
or cap-and-trade system (OR A DICTATOR) that makes renewable energies
competitive (COMPETATIVE? WHEN YOU RIG THE GAME?) with dirty fuels, while
they achieve scale (WITH OUR MONEY) and move down the cost curve, green jobs
will remain a hobby." As they should.

This is why the New York Times is dying. They continue to employ old school
democrat party line hammer an sickle advocates like Thomas Freedman. He
should stick to areas he has experience in.

Art Horn

Luboš Motl said...

Unfortunately, the statement is right from a certain strict viewpoint. This idiotic pseudoscience about weirding and dooms is what is being taught in physics classes at many high schools.

Anonymous said...

worst drought in history?

Only in Freedman's imagination. In reality, not even close.

The trend line for the impact of drought in Texas for the last 100+ years is for a weakening of drought. It was far worse in the past.

papertiger said...

He probably has heard about all of those things, historical reality, la nina, and the PDO, but then he deleted them from the comment section.

I urge New York Times management to reinstate the pay per view wall. Also re institute the block on third party linking. Hey it works for the Journal.

Then we'd all be spared the stupidity of NYT columnists.

Cecil said...

I like to find win-win solutions. NYT is losing money and subscribers. Potential subscribers like me can't stand Friedman or Klugman. Solution: Paywall the editorial content and charge even more to read the wisest of the wise from NYC, center of the universe. What could go wrong?

Happy Claim said...

Your post really describing very worst drought. Many people suffered by drought. It was very big claim.