Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Agrimoney.com | Frost dents further US corn and soybean prospects
The North American freeze last week appears to have done more damage to crops in some areas than initially thought, with corn and soybeans in Minnesota suffering a particular downgrade.
"Hard frost brought an early halt to the growing season" in northern Wisconsin, the US Department of Agriculture said, noting temperatures in the 20s Fahrenheit in many areas.
Newsflash: Chris Huhne doesn't get it – Telegraph Blogs
If the LibDems want to help energy customers, they should take steps to reduce its cost outright rather than create a further maze for hapless consumers to have to navigate. Dismantling the green taxes so beloved by Mr Huhne, which add to the cost of energy without making any significant dent on global warming (even assuming that it is a problem) would be a start.
Times Atlas accused of 'absurd' climate change ice error - Telegraph
A new atlas that shows that a large chunk of the Greenland ice sheet has melted due to climate change has been criticised as "ludicrous" by leading polar scientists.
Tony Abbott vows to scrap carbon scheme if elected to government | News.com.au
FEDERAL Opposition Leader Tony Abbott is confident a Coalition government can scrap the carbon pricing scheme, saying seizing carbon emission permits from business need not cost billions in compensation.

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