Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chris Huhne Blocks Cheap Gas To Keep UK On Course For Carbon Targets
The UK's "dash for gas" will be halted by the government because if unchecked it would break legally binding targets for carbon dioxide emissions, Chris Huhne, energy and climate change secretary, said on Monday evening.
Andrew McKillop: Europe's Green Energy Chaos
The policy set driving Europe's green energy transition plan and programmes is incoherent, relying heavily on unsure and scientifically disputed claims that global warming is a crisis, as well as energy security, job creation and environmental concerns.
The Carbon Tax is so bad, people are asking if this is treason « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
Emails are flying, submissions are flooding in. It’s a nation in uproar. The implications of what Henry Ergas wrote are setting off a wave of fear and anger. People are using words like “sickening”, “shocking” and describing Gillard’s actions as “vindictive” and a “treacherous spoiler”, and using the word treason. There’s a plea: “God help us!”
Big Hollywood » Blog Archive » ‘Straw Dogs’: Bigoted Hollywood Has Its Revenge Against ‘Bitter Clingers’
When one of the rednecks says refers to global warming and “you educated types,” Lurie shows us that he’s comfortable writing his Southerners as parodies of parodies, a leftist’s dream of distilled stupidity.

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