Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Solar Power Pollution Causes Riots in China | Via Meadia
Yet another green panacea turns out to be flawed. Whether the magic green solution is ethanol, electric cars, or now solar panels, it turns out pretty regularly that green policy interventions don’t work as planned. With so many crack ups and “unexpected” complications on relatively simple green ideas, is anyone surprised that the public is so little interested in hugely complex and completely untested green plans to redesign the global economy in the interests of carbon reduction?

Oddly, environmentalists who are so sensitive to the dangers of disturbing the intricate patterns of natural systems, have no qualms at all about crude interventions in the delicate and complex economic ecology. It’s a strange but persistent form of blindness that severely restricts the ability of the green movement to get anything constructive accomplished.
Appeal of UEA’s Yamal FOI Refusal « Climate Audit
we often hear from the climate community that they are not in it for the money. Any climate scientist who has ever made such a statement should condemn UEA’s placement of the university’s supposed “financial gain” above the public interest. Unfortunately, the climate “community” have, as usual, stood by mutely. Will Michael Tobis or Andrew Dessler speak out against UEA’s refusal? Or will they maintain the silence of the lambs that we have observed in the past.
I Wonder Why Katherine Chose The 1970s As Her Start Date For The Beginning Of Climate Time? | Real Science
Happy cherry picking Katherine! Based on the three hour trend, I conclude that it will reach absolute zero in Maryland in a couple of months.
Record Snow in St. Moritz
“It’s still summer, but it’s already snowing in some regions in continental Europe,” says reader. “There is about 45 cm (18 inches) of NEW snow in St-Moritz.” “What is going on here ?”

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