Monday, September 12, 2011

Andrew Dessler Challenges Rick Perry: How Should Perry Respond? — MasterResource
The alarmists and public-policy activists lose big time when the relevant, broader questions are addressed.
Promises of green jobs start withering on vine - Washington Times
The green-jobs revolution may be going up in smoke.

Despite billions of dollars in federal investment and cheerleading from President Obama, even the most ardent supporters of a transformed, job-generating energy sector based largely on wind, solar and other renewable sources acknowledge that their dreams have not translated into reality. The records for other countries chasing green employment opportunities have been equally unimpressive.

Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, told MSNBC last month that, despite impassioned support from liberal Democrats and environmentalists, “green jobs” initiatives “have been about a lot of talk, and not a lot has been happening on that.”
Twitter / @ppppolls: Barack Obama would trail M ...
Barack Obama would trail Mitt Romney 46-42 in NY-9, where Al Gore won 67%. Would lead Perry just 44-43: Blogs: Doug Craig's blog
Every climate scientist on the planet agrees that "development paths must be pursued which are compatible with the 2°C climate protection guardrail agreed upon by the global community at Cancún in 2010."
...If we fail to act in time, it is game over, meaning we are then committed to a new hot-house planet above 2°C, which (look at your child now if you have one) means we not only burned our kids' inheritance bequeathed to us, we left them with a toxic waste dump on a dying planet.

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