Monday, September 12, 2011

Unclear on the concept: Warmist NWF CEO blames 1972 hurricane on global warming; does a lot of unnecessary fossil-fueled travel

Meet the Presenter: Larry Schweiger | Climate Reality
Today’s featured presenter is Larry Schweiger, a board member at The Climate Reality Project and the President and CEO of the National Wildlife Federation. He will be leading the presentation in Kotzebue, Alaska.
I’m not sure if it was my best, but I once did a presentation in Yellowstone National Park when it was 42 below zero.
[Q] What sort of extreme weather have you seen in your hometown?
Hurricane Agnes in 1972 was awful for my home state of Pennsylvania. It dropped 18 inches of rain in 48 hours.
If you visit my Facebook page, you’ll see some prized pictures of bears swimming and fishing in Alaska, and a coyote on the hunt in Yellowstone.

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