Thursday, September 01, 2011

Breaking: Guy who admits to feeling "mentally lost in those science classes" still believes in the greatest scientific fraud in human history

Dare to Be Dumb « Climate Denial Crock of the Week
[Warmist D.R. Tucker] The amusement parks I visited when I was a child had signs indicating that one had to be “this tall” in order to go on a ride. Viewing the endless stream of op-eds and Fox News Channel segments ridiculing the very notion of global warming, I ask myself if we need new signs indicating that one must be “this smart” to understand climate science.

There’s an overlap between media outlets geared to the lowest common intellectual denominator and media outlets that vigorously denounce the scientific verdict on climate change.
There are only four reasons conservatives reject the scientific verdict on climate—absolute scientific ignorance, support of or support from fossil fuel interests, unrestrained contempt for Al Gore, and rigid ideological opposition to virtually any form of government regulation. Sometimes it’s hard to determine which reason is the biggest factor in climate denial. Yes, the pecuniary pleasures proffered by petroleum promoters have a lot to do with the “It’s all a hoax!” hooey from the right. Yet scientific ignorance might play a bigger role than money when it comes to conservative climate callousness.

Climate science isn’t simple to make simple. It’s hard to explain in a 30-second sound bite how global warming makes hurricanes more dangerous, the role it plays in increasing the intensity of snowstorms, the risk it poses to oceans, to wildlife, to us.
I know what it’s like to have a fear of science. I loathed science classes in high school and college, and could not wait for those classes to be over. Chemistry, biology and the natural world were above my pay grade, so to speak. I felt mentally lost in those science classes, thrown for a loop, unable to relate to what was being discussed in any way. I loathed science as much as I loved literature.
...The media pundits who claim global warming is a hoax don’t have a damn clue about science, and they gear their shows, op-eds and blogs to people who are just as scientifically ignorant. I was one of those people. 

1 comment:

joltinjoe said...

This is plainly a statement of a man who has reached the height of ignorance. Now you know!