Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Green Church Seeks Dominion Over Your Home - By Henry Payne - Planet Gore - National Review Online
The campaign is a product of the billions of dollars doled out by the stimulus in an attempt to transform Americans into good Green Church members. Such attempts are becoming increasingly prevalent: The Motor City Times recently highlighted EPA spending specifically intended to indoctrinate kids into the green warriors mindset, and millions more dollars have been doled out to Michigan developers and homebuilder as “investments” (read, federal spending) to “prevent the emissions of 12 million metric tons of greenhouse gases, equivalent to eliminating the emissions from 8 million vehicles.”
The RNC Hits Back at President Obama on ‘Green’ Jobs - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
[video] Where are the “green” jobs Mr. President?
The IAC Report One Year Later « NoFrakkingConsensus
It’s now quite clear that IPCC movers and shakers have no intention of complying with either the spirit or the letter of the IAC committee’s recommendations. That this is a thoroughly unaccountable organization could not be any plainer.
Climate Science's Tangled Web | The Resilient Earth
The alarmist web of lies is unraveling, one untruth at a time, and there is a hint of desperation in the air. From recent outburst by warmist prophets like Al Gore and James Hansen, the level of panic spreading through the climate change community can be gauged. They could ease their consciences and quiet their anxiety by simply admitting that the theory of anthropogenic global warming is wrong—know the truth and the truth will set you free.

It is not wrong or unusual for scientists to make mistakes, what is wrong is to cling to erroneous ideas and refuse to admit past mistakes. Faced with literally hundreds of corrections and new findings, the rational thing for a scientist to do would be to reevaluate his theory and its conclusions.

Instead, the climate alarmists stubbornly insist that the incorrect predictions made by their erroneous models over the past three decades somehow remain valid. Using tortuous arguments they have tied themselves in knots of illogic defending a theory that is indefensible. Climate science has not learned a lesson most mother's try to teach their children: you cannot lie your way out of being wrong.

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