Thursday, September 01, 2011

Climate Resistance » Feudal Energy
Let’s not imagine that all this policy-making is just an accident of some slightly ill conceived idea about ‘nature’ and some dodgy science. This is not about slightly altering the ways we do things; minor adjustments to our lifestyles. Let’s see it for what it is: as a political idea. It changes the fundamental relationships between people. To see it as anything else is to roll over. It’s no use just saying that this science, or that measurement is bunk — the idea which should challenge is that the science justifies the politics, whether it is bunk or not.
Kerry Trueman: Laurie David on Why Sitting Down to a Meal Is Such a Big Deal
[Warmist Laurie David] You want to help global warming issues? Start eating a little less meat. That's a small but perfect example of how powerful the individual can be. And then educate your friends and family.
The oceans are being depleted, the air is being destroyed, because of us. The climate -- who ever thought you could screw with the climate? But we're doing it, and it's not an opinion, it's not a theory, it's not a belief, it's a fact. The globe is warming and humans are causing it.

And the fact that we're not running to solve this problem when all the solutions already exist is just mind boggling to me.
SeaNews: Murmansk to Break Ice for McMurdo
NSF will pay approximately $8 million this year to use the “Ignatyuk”, it is reported.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laurie David, regardless of whether your comments about global warming are true or false, you, as a wealthy owner of several multi-million dollar homes in different cities who jets frequently between the coasts and around the world, have no business telling those of us who barely scrape by year after year that we need to be eating less of anything. You and your elite ilk are the worst kind of examples for environmentalism and why you've not been run out of town on a rail by those who truly walk the walk is beyond comprehension. Your constant inability to recognize your own ultra-hypocrisy beggars belief. STFU.