Saturday, September 03, 2011

Can we now agree that the climate peer review process is biased? « the Air Vent
Think anyone feels the heat?
UPDATE #3: At the end of the Guardian article, it says Andy Dessler has a paper coming out in GRL next week, supposedly refuting our recent paper. This has GOT to be a record turnaround for writing a paper and getting it peer reviewed. And, as usual, we NEVER get to see papers that criticize our work before they get published.
Spencer’s announcement that his paper was published July 25, 2011. GRL rebuttal will be published next week Sept 10 2011, senior editor preemptively resigns. What is that, about 6 weeks from publication to accepted rebuttal. Talk about fast tracking.
C3: Major IPCC Climate Model Prediction Error Substantiated: Ocean Warming Not Happening, It's Cooling
The climate models, based on the IPCC's favored CO2-based AGW theory, predict that oceans will warm as the atmosphere warms from human CO2 emissions. Indeed, human emissions have continued to increase over the past decade but the empirical evidence clearly shows ocean temperatures have not, with declining temperatures a recent phenomenon that may continue.
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