Saturday, September 03, 2011

Ministry Of Truth Doing Their Job Effectively | Real Science
A favorite complaint of alarmists is that skeptics don’t publish much, while they make sure that no skeptical points of view are ever published.
A Primer on Our Claim that Clouds Cause Temperature Change « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
…and Why Dessler, Trenberth, and the IPCC are Wrong
Shortest Arctic Melt Season On Record? | Real Science
New ice is starting to form in the Arctic, and it looks like 2011 has a possibility of becoming the shortest melt season (time from peak to minimum) on record. Longer polar melt seasons are a fundamental tenet of global warming theory.
Climate Change Task Force Climate Change: Climate Skepticism & Ways Forward : Center for a Better Life
[Cmdr. Blake McBride, U.S. Navy Task Force Climate Change] Climate skepticism is a good thing. Really. We should all question what we think we know and seek to refine our understanding of the truth. Skepticism is the very foundation of scientific inquiry, and climatology is a science, not a religious dogma or political tenet. I don’t accept every new idea I come across at face value. I determine the level of my acceptance of new ideas based upon the weight of the evidence that supports them, which is the foundation of scientific analysis. Consequently, true climate skeptics are rare and, I would propose, largely found within the scientific community.

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