Friday, September 02, 2011

“The Inquisition of Climate Science” takes down the denialists | Climate Science Watch
The book features, among other things:
• A list of the skeptic “scientists,” their arguments, and clear/concise rebuttals to these arguments.
• A list of think tanks that fund the research of these “scientists,” and where the majority of the funding for these right wing tanks has come from (ExxonMobil).
Verdict: Powell’s book is well thought out, supremely interesting, and dead useful for those tricky interactions with your friendly local climate change denier(s). But I wouldn’t go so far as to bestow it upon them as “the gift of knowledge” – you wouldn’t want to add to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by enabling a book burning session
Climate change could cause more wars - Thomas Kostigen's Impact Investor - MarketWatch
the correlations are too large to ignore
Julia Gillard defiant as critics say her time as Australian PM is up - Telegraph
The crisis comes as the Gillard government, which rules with a majority of just one seat, is engaged in a bitter fight with the opposition over its planned carbon tax.
Tony Abbott's carbon plan more expensive | Herald Sun
The government has seized on the modelling, saying it meant Mr Abbott's policy would lead to a $48billion hit on the Budget by 2020.

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