Friday, September 02, 2011

Mexican Fisherwomen Organise Against Climate Change
“By including a gender angle, we are going to bring about climate justice for the most vulnerable, and help tip the climate balance,” [Greenpeace Mexico spokeswoman Cecilia Navarro] added.

The gender deficit is visible in the Special Programme on Climate Change drawn up by the Mexican government in 2009, and in the programmes that are gradually being adopted in some of Mexico’s 32 states. Only four of these state programmes have begun to be implemented, and a fifth – in the state of Yucatan – is in the design stage.
Russia, US to study methane emission in Arctic
Moscow: A group of 27 [Is that really enough scientists?] Russian and US scientists has left on board a research vessel to study unprecedented emission of methane gas in the eastern Arctic, which could lead to acceleration of global warming.

The 45-day expedition will focus on the sea shelf of the Laptev Sea, the East Siberian Sea and the Russian part of the Chukotka Sea, where 90 per cent of underwater permafrost is located.

"This expedition was organised on a short notice by the Russian Fund of Fundamental Research and the US National Science Foundation following the discovery of a dramatic increase in the leakage of methane gas from the sea bed in the eastern part of the Arctic," the expedition leader Professor Igor Semiletov was quoted as saying by Russian news agency RIA Novosti.
Al Gore pushes halt to pipeline
The debate surrounding TransCanada Corp.'s Keystone XL pipeline grew louder Thursday as former U.S. vice-president Al Gore waded into the controversy, calling the proposed development "an enormous mistake."

Gore, a noted climate change crusader and winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, authored a blog post urging U.S. President Barack Obama to "block" the pipeline that would transport oilsands bitumen from Alberta to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Levi, who wrote a blog Thursday challenging Gore and other misinformation, said that since a Prius gets five times the mileage as a Hummer and gasoline derived from the oilsands produces roughly 15 per cent more emissions than fuel from the average barrel of conventional oil, a Hummer using gasoline from conventional oil has 4.3 times the impact on the climate as a Prius using gasoline made from the oilsands.

"It's perfectly reasonable to be opposed, but it's probably not the best to make up the numbers," Levi said.

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